Saturday, July 30, 2016

Taking a Big Step for Me

Heya guys!!

So I have good news and less-than-good news.

I've been a little sick this week. Had to go to the doctor two Fridays in a row now and may have to go back this coming Wednesday. So that's part of the not-so-good-news, but I also had to reschedule both my shoots for this weekend. That disappoints me, but I need to keep my health well first and foremost. I've been taking my medicine and trying to get some rest so I can be at 100% again. Just going to take a bit of time.

Ok, now for the good news.

With health in mind, I've decided to finally to take a big step to try to better my overall health now and for the rest of my life. I'M QUITTING CIGARETTES!!!!

This is a pretty big step for me. I've only quit smoking a couple times and for very short amounts of time in my ten years of smoking. However, I know it's not going to be easy so I also got some help.

With the help of one of my best friends John, I went and bought a Vaping device!! I don't know the fancy lingo for what all the parts are called, or even what the whole device is called, so I'm calling it a "device" until I find a better, more cool sounding word. Lol!!! Check it out!!

So you can probably tell I'm sick and please forgive my nails that need painted TERRIBLY, but I'm really proud of myself for making this decision and taking the first step. I love me and I wanna make sure I can love me for as long as possible, so switching from cigarettes to this may very well make that happen!

Love yourselves, you guys! You're the only you in this entire world, and you're the only you you got!

Monday, July 25, 2016

My FB Fan Page!!

Hi guys!!

So the other day I finally set up a Facebook Fan Page to help promote my modeling (and whatever else I end up posting over there).

I am so very thankful for all the support I've received! My page acquired over 200 likes the first day it was active!

This is amazing and astounding to me! I would have never imagined it would get that many likes in that amount of time. I truly do feel so very grateful for this!!!

If you'd like to see more of my modeling photos, you can totally check it out!

I'd super appreciate it if you liked the page too!!

I also have two separate photo shoots set up for this weekend, so I'll post the photos from them onto the Facebook page as soon as I can as well!

Again, thank you to everyone that has been so kind and supportive!!

Have a great day, all!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Weekend

Hey guys!

So I usually go out on the weekends. Out with friends, to a bar, whatever I can get into to.

This weekend though I stayed home. I wanted to get some things around the house taken care of, get to work on my different web pages, and also hang out with my wonderful Gamaw!

So, since I don't have many photos from this weekend to post, I'll show you some of my recent weekends!

Here goes!

This was just last weekend. A bunch of friends from work all met up to celebrate another work friend's birthday! Turns out that this bar was a PokeStop, so we all caught a bunch of Pokemon. Of course, we're all addicted to Pokemon Go. I grew up on Pokemon so this game is AMAZING to me!

These are from the weekend before. I went out to a club I frequent that evening with one of my close friends who is also one of my photographers! We had a pretty good evening!!

These are from two weekends ago when we celebrated my Gamaw's birthday! Her birthday was actually the week before, but I was visitng family in Kansas at the time. We went out with a few other family members for dinner at my grandma's favorite restaurant!

And these two are from my 4th of July weekend. I was in Kansas at the time visiting family. It was an AWESOME time! Even did karaoke with my cousins! We all had a blast!!

And this next one was from a random weekend my grandmother and I went grocery shopping. :)

Bah hah haaaa! That's my beautiful Gamaw... with a tomato butt! LOL! Man, I'm hilarious! :)

I hope everyone has a super fun and safe weekend!

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Body Image

Alrighty guys. Prepare for a bit of a rant.

I just got back from the doctor and found I gained 2 pounds.

I am pretty happy about this. I've been trying to gain weight for over a year now, so the fact the numbers were higher than usual makes me happy. But honestly they should be higher. I've literally tried EVERYTHING to gain weight. Even protein powders that weight lifters drink (I don't suggest this as a method to gain weight because it put me in the hospital).

I'm sure I'm getting eye rolls left and right because I'm complaining about not being able to gain weight, but how is that any different than someone who wants to lose weight? Why am I shunned for wanting to gain weight while others are encouraged when trying to lose weight? Quite frankly, it's pretty unfair.

I'm constantly told "Why don't you eat a cheeseburger?" and "You're so skinny you're going to blow away." I'm sure people don't mean to be malicious with things like that, but it does hurt. Honestly, it's the same thing as saying "Why don't you lay off the cheeseburgers?" or "You're so fat you're gonna break that chair," to someone over-weight. Not very nice, right?

I've been trying to be more body positive with myself. I am beautiful the way I am. However, that doesn't mean I'm COMPLETELY happy with every inch. I'd just like a few more inches to be proud of, personally.

But that is my own prerogative. In saying that, I feel it's no one's business but MINE. The same applies for people that are heavier than me. Everyone wants to do with their own bodies as they please. Everyone wants to look certain ways. So how and why is that anyone else's business? Last I checked, I'm not living my life for anyone but myself, so why should I make it a priority to please other people's opinions when they literally don't do anything for me?

If you're happy with your body, then great! You do you, m'love! But if you're not, don't make that change from what other people think. Do it because it makes YOU happy. You do NOT have to please anyone but yourself. Love yourself, tell yourself you're beautiful and amazing... 'cause guess what? YOU ARE!

This just brings me back to BE YOURSELF. It doesn't matter how thin or thick a person is, they are a person and that makes them beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. There is beauty in even the ugliest of things. If people were more accepting of others, and even themselves, this way of thinking wouldn't even exist. No one would be worried about my weight and the fact I might "blow away" because they'd accept me for me, and be more concerned with their own life.

Live your life for YOU! If you don't, who will?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

"... never seen you look bad"

G'Mornin Y'all!

So the other day, a friend at work told me "I've never seen you look bad". This was a couple of days ago, but let me tell you, it made my day. Hell, it made my week!

That is such a kind thing to say and it did wonders for my confidence. I do try to dress nice for work (well, for any reason I'm leaving the house really) so it was super nice for someone to notice that.

However, I don't want people to think I'm not human too. I am human. And I PROMISE I don't always look great. So, I though it would be not only hilariously funny, but also important to show that I'm not always dressed up and looking on point. lol.

You may want to close your eyes for this...

A little help from SnapChat for this creepy face.

More SnapChat. LOL!!

I like to make INSANE faces. :)

This was at a Kansas City Royals baseball game. I even TRIED to look cute that day... too hot out for all that. lol

Trying to prettify, while looking scary.

Fresh outta the shower. Aaah...(this could be a sound of relief... or terror)

And the icing on this scary cake... Are you ready?

SnapChat makes me laugh.... HARD. Also I'm trying very hard to quit smoking. I'm sure I'll go on about that in a later post.

So there it is! I hope this made you laugh as much as it has made me! LOLOLOL!!!!

You don't always HAVE to look pretty to be pretty. It's important to feel good in your skin, whether you've painted it up or not. Or whether you want to make scary hilarious faces or not! Be YOU! You're the only you out there and if you don't do it, who will?!

Have a great day all!! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Welcome to my Page!

Hi! My name is Sarah Taylor and I'm an aspiring model. I love art in every form and I'm very into fashion and makeup. I will soon have a FaceBook Fan Page set up and will post the link here as soon as I have that taken care of! :3

I'll also be posting a lot of my recent photo shoots here for everyone to view.

I currently have a Model Mayhem profile set up (which I'll also be working on) and am planning on getting my name out there and gaining some popularity! You can view my Model Mayhem page here:

Here I am!

I want to inspire everyone to feel beautiful in their own skin and know that they are perfect exactly the way they are!
Beauty is everywhere and I plan to show the world that!

New Photos and Features!

Hey Friends!! Today I found that there is another program I can share the products I use with you guys! This is exciting to me because I...