Friday, July 22, 2016

Body Image

Alrighty guys. Prepare for a bit of a rant.

I just got back from the doctor and found I gained 2 pounds.

I am pretty happy about this. I've been trying to gain weight for over a year now, so the fact the numbers were higher than usual makes me happy. But honestly they should be higher. I've literally tried EVERYTHING to gain weight. Even protein powders that weight lifters drink (I don't suggest this as a method to gain weight because it put me in the hospital).

I'm sure I'm getting eye rolls left and right because I'm complaining about not being able to gain weight, but how is that any different than someone who wants to lose weight? Why am I shunned for wanting to gain weight while others are encouraged when trying to lose weight? Quite frankly, it's pretty unfair.

I'm constantly told "Why don't you eat a cheeseburger?" and "You're so skinny you're going to blow away." I'm sure people don't mean to be malicious with things like that, but it does hurt. Honestly, it's the same thing as saying "Why don't you lay off the cheeseburgers?" or "You're so fat you're gonna break that chair," to someone over-weight. Not very nice, right?

I've been trying to be more body positive with myself. I am beautiful the way I am. However, that doesn't mean I'm COMPLETELY happy with every inch. I'd just like a few more inches to be proud of, personally.

But that is my own prerogative. In saying that, I feel it's no one's business but MINE. The same applies for people that are heavier than me. Everyone wants to do with their own bodies as they please. Everyone wants to look certain ways. So how and why is that anyone else's business? Last I checked, I'm not living my life for anyone but myself, so why should I make it a priority to please other people's opinions when they literally don't do anything for me?

If you're happy with your body, then great! You do you, m'love! But if you're not, don't make that change from what other people think. Do it because it makes YOU happy. You do NOT have to please anyone but yourself. Love yourself, tell yourself you're beautiful and amazing... 'cause guess what? YOU ARE!

This just brings me back to BE YOURSELF. It doesn't matter how thin or thick a person is, they are a person and that makes them beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. There is beauty in even the ugliest of things. If people were more accepting of others, and even themselves, this way of thinking wouldn't even exist. No one would be worried about my weight and the fact I might "blow away" because they'd accept me for me, and be more concerned with their own life.

Live your life for YOU! If you don't, who will?

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